Sunday, January 27, 2008

Homeward Bound

So we are on the long trip home! We are currently in Singapore where it is 0520 and our plane does not leave until 0900 or so... It feels good to be heading home and I think that I speak for our team when I say that we are all ready to see family and friends again. We have all really appreciated all the comments and feedback from the blog, it has been especially encouraging.

Yesterday, (for us) it was Republic Day in India, so we got to be a part of a celebration at one of the 5 slum schools run by the IPC in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. There were about 100 kids there, most of a Hindu background. Ludhiana is a much different place because of the large number of Sikh people, with a much different belief system than Hinduism, though their roots are the same. For me personally, it was very hard to see the kids there. Children have such a life about them, but to see it practically crushed out of them by grinding poverty and oppression was very hard. Kyle and I were talking about it... the trauma we saw behind there eyes reminded me of a 50 year old who has lived homeless for a long time here in the States. No child should have to live like that. It was very encouraging to see that the Church in Ludhiana is responding to the problem and helping kids get a way out through education. Most kids there are able to test into the public school system (the best schools in India) at the 3rd level.

After the outing to the slums, we were able to have a meeting with the leaders and Evangelists in Punjab and encourage them out of the Word.

Today we drove to Dehli, long drive and a huge city! The traffic was like nothing I could compare it to, and I hate traffic sometimes.

We all can't wait to be home, and it won't be too long before we see all of you... until then,


(sorry no pictures!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did an awesome job with this blog! Good to have you guys home and rest up..can't wait to hear the full report!